One of our Nottingham customers, in the blinds business for 25 years, has been using BlindMatrix for the last 12 months. They manufacture their verticals and rollers and buy the rest of their products in.
Before using BlindMatrix, the director spent most of his time ‘in his business’ rather than ‘on his business’. We spent three weeks working with him and could see clear ways that they could massively save time. We showed how, by using just a few features, he could free up his time by 35%.
I recommend BlindMatrix to any blinds company
Using BlindMatrix, all of his customer information was centralized, which helped cut admin time by 50%.
He said, “After running my business manually for 24 years, I was sceptical about moving ahead with a software program. However, after taking on BlindMatrix, I have no regrets. It’s taken the pain out of order processing and sales.
“BlindMatrix helps us understand how many blinds have been sold and which products are selling during each month. I recommend BlindMatrix to any blinds company needing to reduce manual paperwork and save processing time and time on sales follow-ups.”