E-Commerce Website for Blinds, Curtains & Shutter Companies

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What Our Clients Say

Find Out What Our Client’s are Saying About BlindMatrix...

More Efficiency

“Blind Matrix has transformed our company and made it possible for me to take more time off work to enjoy myself. With Blind Matrix we raised the efficiency of our daily work up to 30%.”

Kim, ABC Blinds
User Friendly

“Blind Matrix has made my life much easier, its so user friendly it makes my working day much more organized. I wish I had it years ago!”

Paul, Allegro Blinds, London
Making life Easier

“I would definitely NOT recommend Blind Matrix to anyone! I mean why would I want lose the edge I have over my competitors with all the advantages that the software has to offer. Blind Matrix has helped me maintain my customer history and manage my business effectively. I wish I had Blind Matrix years ago!”

Paul, Blind & Track Services.
Time Saving

“We recently had the BlindMatrixCRM software installed and must say we have noticed a great improvement in the amount of time saved doing paperwork. Thank you for all your help.”

Bridget, A & B Window Blinds.