I don’t know much about computers. Can I use your software?

If you own or manage a business that handles information, you need to understand computers and the Internet. If you don’t, you’re losing business to your competitors. You don’t need to know the technology itself, but you do need to know its implications for your business. Our software is extremely user-friendly and we provide the necessary training and support so that you get to grips with it.

I think your system might be too expensive for us

We did a survey very recently and nine out of ten customers say that they got a return on investment in the first six months. Using BlindMatrix will save you a huge amount of time and money. It will make your business more efficient by cutting down your admin time by more than 70%.

We only have three employees. Are we too small for your software?

Any small to medium-sized business (SME) spends a disproportionate amount of time on admin. In a recent survey, we found that 90% of our customers say they reduced their admin time by at least 70%. Use BlindMatrix and you’ll have more time to work on following up on quotations or other ways of generating business.

I’m really not happy my information is online

We have agreements in place that keep all your data secure and protected. Each client system is individually password-protected. Let’s assume that you have the information locally. If, in an extreme situation, your computer suffers from a malware attack and you lose all your data, just give us a call and we’ll respond immediately, reinstalling your BlindMatrix system on a new computer so you don’t lose a single piece of information.

How will the system be installed?

Nothing is installed, since it’s all in the cloud. This means all you’ll need is a URL and login details.

How can I save time and money with your system?

By using BlindMatrix, you’ll find customers’ information instantly, process orders and payments automatically, and get an overview of your business in realtime. This will save you lots of time. You’ll need less time to do the same work, which will mean saving on human resources costs.

We manufacture rollers and verticals. How will BlindMatrix help us?

A works order will be produced calculating how much fabric, how many vanes, how much to cut the track and lots other thing you need to manufacture the product. It will then produce lables for you to stick on the headrail and fabric.

What products can work with BlindMatrix.

BlindMatrix can generate automatic manufacturing calculations for Roller blinds, Vertical blinds, Roman blinds, Shutters, Curtains, Venetian blinds, Pleated blinds, Panel blinds, Mirage blinds, Senses Roller blinds, Vision blinds, Perfect fit Roller blinds, Perfect fit Pleated blinds, Wooden Venetian blinds, Intu Roller blinds, Intu Pleated blinds, Awnings and many many more.
